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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

Fauci's agency approved monkeypox experiments that could create a virus with a 15% fatality rate

• Joanne Nova

By Jo Nova

We've reached a point of Maximal Bureaucratic Psychopathy in Science

That's where committees of committees aim to improve your health by giving one human the ability to kill a billion.

In 2015 a scientist at Anthony Fauci's agency thought it would be neat to mix two Monkeypox strains together to make a nastier one. For no reason anyone can explain, the National Institutes of Health's Institutional Review Board thought it would be neat too, and approved it.

A normal person might worry that doddery Joe Biden has the nuclear codes, but all along, unnamed, unaccountable countless others might have their fingers on equivalent bombs, and they won't need to input any codes to set off the bombs, just have a bad day.