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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

The Case For President Trump


The latest Silicon Valley venture capitalist to line up behind President Trump is David Sacks of Craft Ventures, who hosted Trump for a sold out fundraising dinner in his San Francisco home last night. Below he offers a cogent explanation of why he decided to back Trump over Biden. 

Why I'm Backing President Trump

As many press accounts have reported, I'm hosting a fundraising event for President Donald J. Trump at my home in San Francisco this evening.

Over the last couple of years, I have hosted events for presidential candidates Ron DeSantis, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., as well as several Congressional figures in both major parties. I give to many, but endorse few.

But today I am giving my endorsement to our 45th President, Donald J. Trump, to be our 47th President. My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability – issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back.

1. The Economy

President Biden took over an economy that was already recovering strongly from the Covid-induced shock of Q2 2020. Demand had roared back, and employment had recovered. But he chose to keep priming the pump with unnecessary Covid stimulus – almost $2 trillion of it, passed on a straight party-line vote in March of 2021, with trillions more to follow for "infrastructure," green energy, and "inflation reduction."

Biden did this despite early warnings from former Clinton Treasury Secretary Larry Summers that it could lead to inflation. When the inflation came, the Biden administration dismissed it as "transitory." In fact, inflation still remains persistently high even after the fastest interest-rate tightening cycle in memory.

As a result of Biden's inflation, average Americans have lost roughly a fifth of their purchasing power over the last few years. Moreover, any American who needs a mortgage, car loan, or credit card debt faces much higher interest costs, which further constrain their purchasing power.

It's no different for our federal government, which now must devote over a trillion dollars annually to interest on its $34 trillion debt, a massive sum that's been growing by a trillion dollars every hundred days. This trajectory is unsustainable, yet Biden's 2025 budget calls for even higher spending.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

When things get too bad, they can simply shut down the FED.