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IPFS News Link • Racism

The Camp of the Saints is the here and now

• Paul Craig Roberts

As far as I can tell, there is no white anglo-saxon protestant male or female in any top position in the Biden regime. Wherever you look in America, you see "diversity" among mayors, state attorney generals, police chiefs, university presidents, corporate executives, government officials. Many of these officials have been brought up on propaganda that white people are racist exploiters. Can these diverse officials with powerful positions be relied upon to use their positions without discriminating against demonized white people?

Back to Mayor Wu. The British Daily Mail–apparently the US media avoid this type of news–reports that Mayor WU wants to follow San Francisco's practice and decriminalize black crime. The woke mayor wants to exclude from criminal prosecution shoplifting, receiving stolen property, breaking and entering of property, wanton and malicious destruction of property, and distribution of drugs. Mayor Wu also wants the Boston police's gang database closed. It is discriminatory to know who the criminals are. They are the wrong color.