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IPFS News Link • Politics: Libertarian Campaigns

Libertarian Party Nominates Pres Candidate Who Supported Masks, Open Borders, Drag Story Time


Despite former President Donald Trump's courageous attempt to earn the Libertarian Party's support for president, the party originally associated with Ron Paul's freedom revolution picked a nominee who's previously backed authoritarian leftist policies including mask mandates and open borders.

On Sunday, the Libertarian Party announced it had chosen candidate Chase Oliver, notorious for spoiling the 2022 Georgia Senate race where he earned enough votes to force a run-off between Republican Herschel Walker and Democrat Raphael Warnock, the latter of whom ended up winning the seat.

While Oliver claims to align with the traditional wing of the Libertarian party, social media posts show he supports far-left policies.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by NakedSheriff
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yep, we nominated a candidate who believes in personal responsibility. Quite likely the most libertarian candidate in my adult life.