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Michael Saylor Exclusive: Bitcoin's Biggest Risk, GameStop, ETFs, Inflation


I was extraordinarily appreciative when executive chairman and co-founder of MicroStrategy Michael Saylor sat down with me this weekend for an exclusive interview.

What's inside this exclusive Fringe Finance interview with Michael Saylor:

What the effects of inflation will eventually be ("The Matrix") and how globalist organizations like the World Economic Forum fit into the mix

The differences between bitching and moaning about flawed monetary policy versus offering up an actual solution

Whether he thinks the Fed will raise or lower rates next and why

Similarities and differences between bitcoin and fine art when talking about intrinsic value

If bitcoin, now embraced by Wall Street, needs to homogenize itself into the AML/KYC world of regulated banking and, if so, how that'll happen

Whether the ETFs and the centralized storage of large amounts of bitcoin could eventually become a negative and make it easier for a nation state or bad actor to seize

What he thinks of the meme stock rally into names like GameStop, and whether or not such uprisings could eventually be a catalyst for bitcoin, as I have predicted

Why he is selling so much MicroStrategy stock

What he sees as the one biggest risk to the bitcoin network going forward

What he thinks the next nation state to buy bitcoin will be

Whether he thinks gold and bitcoin can co-exist

Whether or not he'll finally debate Peter Schiff once and for all

I started off by asking Michael what he thought about macro — and what the 'solution' would be for a Fed that is stuck between a rock (inflation) and a hard place (depression).