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IPFS News Link • Congress-Congressmen

Thomas Massie Said 'No.'

•, by Lee Stranahan

His defiant principled opposition to the recent moves by Congress called out the madness of flooding foreign countries with more money and weapons while our own citizens suffer.

Thomas Massie said no.

So, of course Massie's brave voice of reason is now under attack by well-funded foreign lobbyists hell-bent on perpetual war.

I was inspired to make a video about Massie's brave stance. My  script says :

While most of congress was busy waving another country's flag, passing Biden's wish list on wars that will raise the prices you pay for groceries and gas, and ignoring America's crisis at the border, one Republican took a stand against that crowd: Kentucky's Congressman Thomas Massie. Now Massie's brave voice of independence is under attack by well-funded foreign lobbyists. It's time for common sense patriots to stick together and support Thomas Massie

The American people want no part of being foot soldiers for the military-industrial complex or advancing the interests of foreign nations like Ukraine and Israel over our own.

 Meanwhile, people we elect give unconditional support for countries like Ukraine and Israel, neither of which truly believes in anything approaching real democracy.

Both Ukraine and Israel censor dissent and have acted against true democracy and freedom. Israel even supported censoring Americans who criticize its policies, ludicrously conflating that with anti-Semitism. The American people's antiwar views have been ignored by the uniparty swamp in DC.