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IPFS News Link • Censorship

Telegram Disabled My Account. Good Riddance

• DocBarber

Here's a video about it to view and share:


A chromium based browser is needed to hear the audio at gateway links.

Central government levers of power should not be allowed to exist.

How can that be accomplished?

Disassociate from the state (all levels from federal to town).

  2% or less non-consenting could help the state complete its self-destruction.

  See The Tiny Dot by Larken Rose


Denigrate the state at every opportunity, especially with people watching.

  Encourage others' non-consent to be governed.

Focus on making your community a better place.

  If everyone does this, the world will become a far better place.

  Taking action feels good.

Please share this on Telegram where I used to post and elsewhere.

Here are some gateway links gateway links to use on the legacy internet:

Inside Qortal at


Reach out to me at:

AgoristMarket on Qortal

Download for your PC at

Contact me for 10 QORT to get started, if I know you.

Check out CorbettReport on Qortal to see what is possible,


DocB on Bastyon

Download for all devices at

Session and Briar messaging

Contact me to connect

The above are unstoppable with private messages by default. 

Also you can email me at: (for protonmail users)

Web3Only@Agorist.Market (everyone else)

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