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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

What's Really Happening Inside the Gaza Encampment Protests?

• Activist Post

By Johnny Jock

I, of course, was on an undercover assignment for GWU!, while my camping neighbor and sixth year student studying Poli-Sci was skipping his assignments altogether.

My post was King's College Circle at the U of T. My job was to report on the Little Gaza Encampment at the progressive captured university from behind the frontlines of woke.

GWU!s Based Commander JJ McRoberts had arranged for my flight from the home office in Boca Raton to cover the growing Palestinian anti-war protests in Canada. After a turbulent connecting flight where an Indigenous man flew into an Air Rage after being separated from his feathered hat I could tell this country was actually more dangerous than Americans think.
