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IPFS News Link • China

Chinese Have "Grabbed Gold By The Throat" As Capital Flight Accelerates

•, by Tyler Durden

That is how John Reade, chief market strategist at the World Gold Council, describes the scramble in the communist nation among investors looking to move money anywhere but in the yuan or Chinese assets.

As evidenced by soaring Chinese FX outflows, the recent surges in 'alternate currencies' such as bitcoin and gold strongly suggest where the Chinese are seeking safety.

Of course, worsening geopolitical tensions, unprecedented fiscal profligacy by the Biden administration that shows no signs of slowing, and a Fed that seemed willing to support that spending with rate-cuts that were wholly un-necessary based on the 'data' they are so 'dependent' on (prompting fears of a policy error) are all factors driving precious metals higher, but, as Bloomberg reports, juicing the rally is unrelenting Chinese demand, as retail shoppers, fund investors, futures traders and even the central bank look to bullion as a store of value in uncertain times.

China and India have typically vied over the title of world's biggest buyer. But that shifted last year as Chinese consumption of jewelry, bars and coins swelled to record levels. China's gold jewelry demand rose 10% while India's fell 6%. Chinese bar and coin investments, meanwhile, surged 28%.

And there's still room for demand to grow, said Philip Klapwijk, managing director of Hong Kong-based consultant Precious Metals Insights Ltd. Amid limited investment options in China, the protracted crisis in its property sector, volatile stock markets and a weakening yuan are all driving money to assets that are perceived to be safer.

"The weight of money available under these circumstances for an asset like gold - and actually for new buyers to come in - is pretty considerable," he said.

"There isn't much alternative in China. With exchange controls and capital controls, you can't just look at other markets to put your money into."

But, there is another side to the Chinese demand for gold - speculators.

Long gold positions held by futures traders on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE) climbed to 295,233 contracts, equivalent to 295 tonnes of gold.
