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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

Giants and Pre-Flood Technology With Explorer Timothy Alberino | GFKL #6

•, Kristi Leigh TV

What are aliens? Can the Bible explain UFOs, giants, and advanced technology? Christian author, explorer and researcher Timothy Alberino shares his theories.


2 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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There is evidence in Ezekiel chapter 28 that God originally made Satan to be like a powerful babysitter to protect mankind on Earth. But Satan turned against God, and against mankind. God told Adam and Eve to NOT eat fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why? Because it was Satan's modified tree. Satan tempted Eve to eat the fruit, and she did, and gave some to Adam. Then, the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized that they were naked. So they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves. | Personally, I think that Satan was a master geneticist. The fruit caused a change in the bodily appearance of Adam and Eve, in the way that they would reproduce offspring, to make them to be the way the angels reproduced. Satan did this to entice the 200 angels (the Watchers talked about in the Book of Enoch) to want to mate with women. The way Adam and Eve looked before they ate the fruit is not the same as the way people look today.

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Nathan Hoffman has made what I consider a good video showing that our calculations are wrong about the age of the Earth, and that our understanding of the Bible is wrong regarding this. Nathan's Youtube channel = The video for this = "Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew)" - | Another Youtube personality is Rob Skiba. Rob has made some good videos about the "sons of God coming in unto the daughters of men," as found in early Genesis. Rob's Youtube channel = Rob is very good at asking questions, and quite good at giving answers. Check both of these guys out and see what you think.
