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IPFS News Link • Courtroom and Trials

Exclusive -- Tim Scott: 'Prejudiced' Trump Trial an 'Injustice' Driving Black Voters


Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) told Breitbart News exclusively on Monday afternoon that the trial that Democrats are dragging former President Donald Trump through in New York is only driving more black voters away from Democrats — like President Joe Biden — and toward the Republican Party and Trump.

"There's no doubt that when you see a nearly 75 percent increase in black men wanting to support President Trump, that's not an insignificant increase," Scott told Breitbart News as Trump sat in a New York courtroom facing criminal charges from District Attorney Alvin Bragg. "That is a gargantuan step in the right direction. Why? Because the Democrat stronghold on power is being broken by people who say, 'This isn't fair, and I want an America that is fair, and if they will do it to him, they will do it to me.' So that's what you're seeing in the black community from black men, specifically, and, frankly, black women have moved from 2.5 or three percent to 11 percent. We're talking about a 300 percent improvement. This is all the case not simply because of the desire for a strong, powerful, fair justice system, but when you ask the age-old question of, 'Am I better off under four years of Trump or better off under four years of Biden?' the answer is unequivocal economically better off under Trump. Our country was better off in terms of safety under Trump. Fentanyl that's ravaging communities, better off under Trump. There's no statistic that matters to people—black people, white people, Asians, Hispanics, women, or men—there's no statistic where you're not better off under Trump than under Biden."
