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IPFS News Link • FISA

FISA Reauthorization Passes In House Despite GOP 'Revolt'

•, by Tyler Durden

As noted earlier, all of the initial holdouts flipped their vote to move the bill forward this morning - after the length of reauthorization was shortened from five years to two, and an agreement to bring Rep. Warren Davidson's (R-OH) Fourth Amendment is Not For Sale Act to the floor sometime next week in a stand-alone vote - which would require the government to obtain a warrant before purchasing information about US citizens from data brokers (but not in general).

"The two-year timeframe is a much better landing spot because it gives us two years to see if any of this works rather than kicking it out five years," said Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX). "They say these reforms are going to work. Well, I guess we'll find out."
