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IPFS News Link • Ecuador

Ecuador's Military Raided Mexico's Embassy to Arrest the former VP of Ecuador, Jeorge Glas

• Need To Know

On April 5, 2024, Ecuadorian authorities took the extraordinary step of breaking into Mexico's embassy to arrest Ecuador's former Vice President Jorge Glas, who was seeking asylum in Mexico. Mr. Glas has been convicted of bribery and corruption in two prior cases. Ecuador says Glas was targeted for his crimes and is not a political prisoner. Ecuador contends that Mexico should not have been considering asylum for him. Glas was reported to have attempted suicide and is now on a hunger strike.

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said his country has filed a complaint asking the UN to expel Ecuador. Mexico, as well as foreign experts, said the raid appeared to be a blatant violation of international accords and there is concern about the raid setting a precedent.

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