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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

New Survey Confirms That Vaccines Are, by Far, the #1 Cause of Chronic Disease in America

•, By Steve Kirsch

Executive summary

I recently asked my readers to tell me about their chronic health conditions.

The single most important conclusion is this

In all 58 conditions we asked about where we had sufficient data to compute an odds ratio, the vaccine always made the condition worse.

In other words, the medical community has gotten it backwards for decades. When you combine this with the realization that vaccines provide a benefit that is too small to measure as described here for the highly acclaimed COVID and flu vaccines, it's clear that we should be stopping most, if not all, vaccines.

In fact, for the COVID vaccines, we have FOIA data showing that the vaccines make things worse and over a dozen attempts to ask the Santa Clara County of Public Health for comment have been ignored.

This is fundamentally why the NIH will never do a study comparing the highly vaccinated to the completely unvaccinated: it would blow the narrative and destroy their credibility.

Other important results of the survey include:

3.3X higher likelihood you'll have 1 or more chronic diseases (OR 3.45 [95% CI: 3.02-3.96]). The one-sided p-value was 1.6e-78, something you don't see very often. It basically means that this was not caused by random chance.

7X higher likelihood you'll have 5 or more chronic conditions requiring treatment (drugs or therapies) (OR 7.03 [95% CI: 4.24-12.32]).

4X higher likelihood of a birth defect if the mother was vaccinated during the pregnancy (OR 4.31 [95% CI: 2.39-7.51]). That's a huge effect. Nearly 80% of the birth defects are caused by the mother being vaccinated during pregnancy (actual value is 76.8%).

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