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DOD officially establishes new cyber policy office


The Pentagon has officially established the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Cyber Policy, it announced in a release Friday.

As mandated by the fiscal 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, Congress directed the Pentagon to create the office, elevating cyber policy within the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

The department had not established it in the timeline lawmakers initially desired — sparking some backlash — opting to take more time to study what would fall under the purview of that office such as the possible inclusion of electronic warfare and information warfare.

It was eventually created March 20, per the release.

"In standing up this office, the Department is giving cyber the focus and attention that Congress intended," Sasha Baker, acting undersecretary of defense for policy, said in a statement.

The assistant secretary will be the primary senior official for overall supervision of Department of Defense cyber policy and operations, sitting beneath the undersecretary of defense for policy, the Pentagon said. The official will also serve as the principal cyber advisor for the DOD.

According to the release, the existing deputy assistant secretary of defense for cyber policy will report through the new assistant secretary.

The Pentagon said the responsibilities of the new office include, among others:

Developing, coordinating, assessing and overseeing the implementation of DOD cybers policy and strategy.

Overseeing and certifying the DOD's cyberspace operations budget and providing fiscal and budgetary oversight to U.S. Cyber Command's $3 billion annual execution with their enhanced budget authority.