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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

An Easter Message For All, and How to Respond to the White House Dissing God


Christ, by the way, is not Jesus's last name. The word Christ comes from the Greek word Christos, which is a translation of the Hebrew word, Messiah. And the words Christ and Messiah both mean "The Anointed One," referring to the prophesied King and Savior.

Bible scholars tell us that God instituted a new dispensation about 2000 years ago, which came through the man Jesus, who, as the Bible points out, was also God in the flesh. Jesus himself fulfilled the Mosaic Law. He didn't abolish it; He fulfilled it by keeping the whole law. It was because He was God in the flesh that He was able to keep the law. We, as sinful man, could not. And cannot.

Additionally, being perfect, Jesus also represented the spotless lamb required for a sin offering. He also represented the spotless lamb required for the Passover. And yet those who were self-righteous – the Priests and teachers of the day – who, as humans were insecure, rather than be curious and look into what Jesus was saying, they stuck with their own interpretations of the Mosaic Law: they had Jesus crucified.

If you've read the Old Testament, you'll probably know a spotless lamb was required for the Passover. You'll also probably know a spotless lamb was required for a sin offering.  In the sin offering, the death of the lamb covered one's sins. And with the blood of the lamb at Passover, you'll recall the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had become slaves in Egypt, and God was bringing a plague of death across that  land.