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Trump During Private RNC Speech Says "God Was With Me" During Assassination Attempt (VIDEO

•, By Anthony Scott

In the video, Trump told a group of supporters at the RNC, "You say how did that happen? But I got lucky; God was with me. I tell you."

Trump continued, "And I think, honestly, I think you appreciate God even more. Really do."

"It wasn't like it was a complete miss; it's pretty terrible that that can happen," added Trump.

Per Real Clear Politics:

PBS NEWS: In video of the private event given to PBS News and edited for length, former President Donald Trump told a group of supporters at the Republican National Convention that surviving an attempted assassination "changes your attitude, your viewpoint toward life." "You appreciate God even more," he added.

"This has been our best campaign and then I got shot. How does that happen?" Trump said.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" the crowd responded.

"You say how did that happen? But I got lucky, God was with me. I tell you," he said.

"It wasn't like it was a complete miss," Trump said. "It was pretty terrible that that can happen."