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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

Deepfake Elections? 43% Fear AI Will Derail 2024 Presidential Race

• Activist Post

A new poll reveals that nearly half of those voters believe AI-generated content will negatively impact the outcome of the presidential race in November (43%).

The survey of 2,000 registered voters reveals not only that people are increasingly pessimistic about a political digital-verse full of deepfakes, but also that people can't distinguish between AI-generated content and human-created content.

Respondents were asked to differentiate between AI-generated images and human-created images and the majority misidentified all AI images as human-created. On average, only a third of respondents (33%) were able to correctly spot AI-generated images.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
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Gas prices are going back up, like they did shortly after Biden took office. When they were coming down a few months ago, some associates of mine said that Biden wasn't so bad after all. They had forgotten how the gas prices went up shortly after he took office. So, it must be that the fuel companies are preparing for a Trump victory. After all, gas prices will be forced way down after Trump gets back in. Fuel companies are getting what they can get while the getting is good. What do we see with the price of other goods?