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IPFS News Link • Political Parties

Nothing's better for Republican unity than Democratic lunacy!


The clock is ticking for Donald Trump to secure a $454 million bond by Monday or have his assets seized by New York Attorney General Letitia James - and liberals can't contain their glee.

'You-know-who says he cannot come up with the cash,' gushed Whoopi Goldberg on 'The View ' Wednesday.

President Joe Biden couldn't resist twisting the knife when he spoke at a Democrat fundraiser Wednesday night.

'Just the other day this defeated looking man came up to me and said: "Mr. President I need your help. I'm in crushing debt. I'm completely wiped out,"' Biden joked.

His punchline: 'Donald, I'm sorry. I can't help you.'

The crowd roared. 

Isn't it hysterical when the legal system targets your opponent?

In February, a state Supreme Court ordered Trump to pay the giant penalty after he and the Trump Organization were found to have falsified financial statements, and misled banks and insurance companies.

Now, the former president is being blocked by the Democrat AG from appealing the ruling until he pays up – and you'd think Christmas came early for the Left.

'I can't believe it,' chuckled Mika Brzezinski on her MSNBC show.