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IPFS News Link • Health and Physical Fitness

Shocking Finding: Life Expectancy Continues to Plummet

•, By Dr. Joseph Mercola

The world is now grappling with the aftermath of a global crisis that, thanks to the sophisticated and meticulously engineered brainwashing strategies deployed by government and mass media, are unbeknownst to the masses.

In August 2022, provisional life expectancy estimates1,2 for 2021 were released showing Americans had lost nearly three years of life expectancy during 2020 and 2021. In December 2022, the finalized mortality report3 confirmed these shocking data.

In 2019, the average life span of Americans of all ethnicities was 78.8 years.4 By the end of 2020, it had dropped to 77.0 years5 and by the end of 2021, it was 76.4.6 As noted by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in its finalized mortality report for 2021,7 "From 2020 to 2021, death rates increased for each age group 1 year and over …"

At the time, Virginia Commonwealth University professor of population health Dr. Steven Woolf told USA Today,8 "That means all the medical advances over the past quarter century have been erased."

COVID Was a Turning Point

The COVID-19 pandemic was a turning point in human history and we are just now compiling the data to document the impact of government's irrational responses. The big news that virtually no one is talking about is that a) the life expectancy of men has dropped far more than that of women, and b) young, working-age adults make up the bulk of excess deaths.9
