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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Full transcript: Dr. Sherri Tenpenny reveals the 20 mechanisms of COVID vaccine injury

•, by: Mike Adams

These mechanisms include neurological degeneration, penetrating the blood brain barrier, which has led to personality changes and cognitive function erosion in many individuals who have received multiple doses and boosters. Dr. Tenpenny's research is based on peer-reviewed publications and journals, providing evidence-based information about the adverse effects of these vaccines. To access her course on BrighteonUniversity, visit and register for free to watch the full presentation, with optional digital download purchases available to support Dr. Tenpenny's work and the platform. The course begins streaming on March 9th.
Full interview transcript:

Mike Adams: Welcome to today's interview on I'm Mike Adams and our guest today is Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. Just an extraordinary human being who has contributed so much knowledge and information to what humanity now understands about the dangers of Covid-19 vaccines. In fact, a new recent study of big study just came out that talked about how the injury mechanisms are now even better understood, causing turbo cancers and suppression of the immune system. And I saw how the mainstream media was out there, gaslighting on CNN and saying, "Well, we knew this all along, we knew it always caused these things. So, there's nothing new here. Really? You said it was safe and effective?" Well, joining us today is Dr. Sherri Tenpenny. And she has a course with us on BrightonUniversity that started out as 20 mechanisms of injury and now has expanded to 40 mechanisms. So welcome, Dr. Tenpenny to the show today.

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: Thank you so much, Mike. It's my pleasure to be here.

Mike Adams:Oh, it's great to have you on. You are quite the researcher, you have really dedicated the last several years to researching and educating people about the dangers of Covid-19 vaccines. And I'm sure you saw that recent news report that I just mentioned. Do you see that as kind of a little bit of a vindication of some of the work that you've done?