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IPFS News Link • Energy

Technocrats Claim AI Breakthrough to Generate 'Boundless' Clean Fusion Energy,...

• Technocracy.News

If Technocrats get a free source of energy, don't think you will get one erg out of it other than what they decide to give you. Why? Because energy means economic activity and that is controlled by them. The first two requirements in the Technocracy Study Course (1934) were 1) Register on a continuous 24-hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy and 2) By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load.

Yes, you read it right. The FIRST TWO (of seven) requirements had to do with energy.

As I wrote in Day 6: Technocracy's Necessary Requirements

1. Register on a continuous 24-hour-per-day basis the total net conversion of energy

Conversion of energy means creating useable energy from stored energy like coal, oil or natural gas; when they are burned, electricity is generated. Hydroelectric and nuclear also convert energy. There were two reasons to keep track of useable energy: First, it was the basis for issuing "energy script" to all citizens for buying and selling goods and services. Second, it predicted economic activity because all such activity is directly dependent upon energy. (Note that Technocrats intended to pre-determine how much energy would be made available in the first place.)

2. By means of the registration of energy converted and consumed, make possible a balanced load

Once available energy was quantified, it was to be allocated to consumers and manufacturers so as to limit production and consumption. Technocrats would have control of both ends, so that everything is managed according to their scientific formulas.

The modern Smart Grid, with its ubiquitous WiFi-enabled Smart Meters on homes and businesses, is the exact fulfillment of these two requirements. The concept of "energy web" was first revitalized in 1999 by the Bonneville Power Authority (BPA) in Portland, Oregon. A government agency, BPA had a rich history of Technocrats dating back to its creation in 1937. The "energy web" was renamed Smart Grid in 2009 during the Obama Administration. Note that Smart Grid was a global initiative that intended to blanket the entire world with this new energy control technology.

The source of the energy is not the issue. What is monitored is the "net conversion" into work. Thus, the claim "boundless" and "free energy" means nothing.  ? TN Editor

Princeton researchers report that a new AI model has solved one of the major roadblocks to generating fusion energy.

There are many stumbling blocks on the racetrack to nuclear fusion, the reaction at the core of the sun that combines atoms to make energy: Generating more energy than it takes to power the reactors, developing reactor-proof building materials, keeping the reactor free from impurities, and restraining that fuel within it, to name a few.