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Inside incredible 'billionaire bunker' being built to provide doomsday sanctuary...


A luxurious bunker for the ultra rich is being built as the ideal hideaway for any wealthy billionaires in search of a doomsday sanctuary - and will come complete with a ring of fire, an escape tunnel, and even water cannons for protection against intruders. 

In a bid to offer the most exclusive form of protection amid rising reports of conflict, climate change, possible nuclear attacks and mass shootings, billionaires are being given the chance to invest in a spot inside the extravagant bunker.  

While traditional preppers ready themselves for the worst by stocking up on food and creating escape routes, the uber wealthy have been given a much more lavish alternative in the space, which will come equipped high-tech medical and decontamination rooms, and secret safety doors.

With construction underway, the home will also feature electrical fencing, as well as powerful water cannons that shoot out from 500 feet away to keep everyone off the property.

The unique bunker aims to protect assets and anyone inside from the outside world – and the construction company, which has yet to reveal pricing for the space, claims the shelter can withstand a blast 'one mile from ground zero.'
