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IPFS News Link • Education: Colleges and Universities

Harvard "Considers" $1.65 Billon Debt Sale After Gay Resignation Fallout

• Zero Hedge

This came in the wake of a Bloomberg report earlier that day, indicating the university was "considering" the sale of $1.65 billion in bonds - nearly two months after the resignation of Harvard president Claudine Gay

According to a "Voluntary Notice of Potential Issuance of Bonds" from the Ivy League school, it's planning to sell $750 million of taxable fixed-rate bonds the week of March 4 and $900 million of tax-exempt bonds in April. 

"Proceeds of the Series 2024A Bonds will be used for general corporate purposes," the notice read. 

As for the Series 2024B Bonds, the university said the use of proceeds will be for "new capital projects and may also include refinancing, including through a tender and/or exchange, of a portion of the University's Series 2016A bonds."