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IPFS News Link • Corruption

Biden White House: FISA Good, Warrants Bad

• Ron Paul Institute - Patrick Eddington

On Valentine's Day, National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan made it clear that it's not some nebulous, governmental Illuminati??style cabal seeking to retain the power to spy at scale on Americans. It's the Biden administration itself.

Just after 6:30 p.m. on the 14th —and after House Speaker Mike Johnson (R?LA) once again canceled a vote on an extremely controversial FISA reauthorization billThe Intercept's Ken Klippenstein posted a clip from the White House press conference where Sullivan was asked whether Biden would veto any FISA reform bill that requires a warrant to access data collected on Americans. Since the Office of Management and Budget has not issued an official state of administration policy on any FISA bill as yet, Sullivan declined to directly answer the question. Instead, he claimed that any warrant requirement to access FISA data on Americans would not be "in the national interest" of the United States.