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IPFS News Link • Weapons/Weaponry

Ukraine's Rulers Claim They Need "Nuclear Rockets"

• Activist Post

By Mac Slavo

The rulers of the Ukraine are claiming that they need "nuclear rockets" to continue to take on Russia as the war keeps raging. The rulers are saying that unless Ukraine receives full NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) membership, the country will have no other choice but to develop or somehow obtain an arsenal of nuclear weapons, according to MP Aleksey Goncharenko.

At the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, Goncharenko confronted United States Secretary of State Antony Blinken and asked for Ukraine to be able to obtain nuclear weapons somehow.

"Once again I will say directly and openly: I support the return of nuclear weapons to Ukraine. And I believe that this is our only option for survival," Goncharenko wrote in a Telegram post on Sunday evening, noting that Blinken did not respond, according to a report by RT.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Chip Saunders
Entered on:

This is entirely understandable, since America's obligation to Ukraine began in 1994 when we made promises and commitments to Ukraine, then the 3rd largest nuclear power, to give up those nukes in exchange for us guaranteeing their security. (Look up the "Budapest Memorandum".) Ukraine has regretted it ever since 2014. There are still plenty of nuclear weapon scientists in Ukraine, should they decide that America's typical untrustworthiness requires building nukes again. So far, the main lesson of the Ukraine war is for nuclear states to NEVER give up their nukes, ESPECIALLY at the request of the U.S.
