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What Is an RV Honey Wagon (& Why Is It Grosser Than It Sounds?)

•, By Mike Wendland

If you're new to the RV lifestyle, you'll eventually come across an RV honey wagon. No, it's not a wagon full of honey or an RV dedicated to beekeeping.

Instead, it's a service that helps you deal with one of the less glamorous aspects of RVing – waste management.

In this article, we're going to tell you what an RV honey wagon is, how it got its name, and why you might need one during your travels.

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What Is an RV Honey Wagon?

Contrary to what the name suggests, it has nothing to do with honey delivery. An RV honey wagon is essentially a truck or trailer that visits campsites to empty RV black and gray tanks. It transports the waste away and disposes of it properly off-site.

Why Is It Called a Honey Wagon?

RVers are known for giving silly names to the less-desirable aspects of RVing, like the poo pyramid and stinky slinky. So, you might think that RVers are also responsible for this euphemism. But, as it turns out, the name predates RVs!

The term honey wagon originates from horse-drawn wagons that carried sewage waste. It's believed that the name was inspired by the honey-colored liquid they carted around. So, I suppose people back in the day had a lot in common with the RVers today who'd rather use nice terms for, well, gross things.

Honey Wagon vs. Blue Boy

A "honey wagon" and a "blue boy" are both terms used in RV culture to refer to portable waste tanks or containers used for holding and transporting sewage from RVs. The main difference between a honey wagon and a blue boy lies in their design and usage:

A honey wagon typically refers to a larger, professional-grade portable sewage tank. They are typically larger in capacity, ranging from several tens to hundreds of gallons, allowing them to hold a significant amount of waste.