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Disney comes up with surefire plan to destroy "Pirates of the Caribbean":


If you've somehow missed the memo this past year, Disney's been on a bit of a losing streak at the box office. With seven out of its last eight major releases tanking financially, calling Disney a "disaster" feels like an understatement. The saying "get woke, go broke" is hitting a little too close to home for Disney at the moment.

Fox Business:

"Whenever a studio sees revenue numbers that miss, they're forced to reexamine everything and look at the data and then ultimately make corrections," Hollywood PR crisis management guru Eric Schiffer told Fox News Digital. "They're not in the business of politics… I think they chose to be, to some degree, because they thought it was also a moneymaker. And in certain ways, there are cases in which it can be. But it also can backfire and bash them in the teeth. And you're seeing that with a swath of conservatives."

For several months, Disney drew ire from conservatives on various fronts from being a vocal opponent of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis over the state's Parental Rights in Education law that forbids schools from teaching young children about sexual orientation and gender identity, the racial and gender ideology being incorporated in its content, to its theme parks stripping gendered language like greetings to "boys and girls" in the name of inclusivity.

Schiffer argued the "bad execution" of Disney's most recent films was a factor in the dismal box office results but added that questions about Disney's "foray into politics" and what critics perceive as "woke content orientation" potentially alienating conservatives are legitimate.
