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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

The Great Reset Is Dead, Long Live The Great Reset

•, by Tom Luongo

When the World Economic Forum rolled out their advertising campaign for The Great Reset it was supposed to be the victory lap for Globalism.

Coupled with the COVID-19 pandemic, the subsequent global financial crisis unleashed a flood of government funny money that was supposed to buy our way to their perpetual prosperity.

It failed.

Don't take my word for it. Take the word of one of the chief architects of the Great Reset, Klaus von Commie Schnitzel's right hand man, Yuval Noah Harari.

Spoken like the true authoritarian that he is, Harari can only see violence and chaos. He's not wrong. The violence and chaos coming, however, have their roots in his attempts (or complicity) in trying to force, through violence, a global order on humanity which humanity doesn't want.

This push towards violence, however, can stop tomorrow. All that has to happen is for cretins like Harari, Soros, Schwab, Gates, and all the people behind them, to truly accept the fact that they have failed and cut a deal with us.

If they do that we can minimize the violence on the horizon. But that's not going to happen because they've already told us over and over that the abuse will continue until morale improves.

The impending chaos and violence is coming precisely because of Isaac Newton's 3rd law, popularly summarized as "for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

It's not coming because we 'don't have any answers.' We have plenty of answers, Harari and his ilk simply don't like them.

For decades we met their violence with a kind of silent resignation as the cost of upsetting this system far outweighed the benefit of being the first 2nd lieutenant out of the foxhole in No Man's Land. But the costs for so many today for going along to get along far outweigh the benefits accruing to them.