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Farmers win: Major EU backdown on farming emissions and regulations

•, By Jo Nova

Thousands of farmers in tractors and trucks protested in the Netherlands, Germany, France, Ireland, Sweden, Portugul, Greece and Spain. Farmers in Poland are planning to block the Ukrainian border. The French farmers held Paris under siege, blocking roads, pouring manure everywhere and leaving supermarket shelves empty, then after they won some concessions from President Macron, they kept on driving to Brussels and did it all again with help from farmers from other countries. The EU is the target.

The thing that made this so potent was not just that the farmers had heavy equipment that moved obstacles and drove over barriers, they also had huge public support. Something like 80 to 90% of French citizens supported the farmers and were willing to put up with the inconvenience. Then to cap it off, EU elections are coming in June, and they only happen once every five years. The Greens look like they will do badly.  That people like Geert Wilders can win in national elections must have shocked the politerati class. But right wing governments have been elected in Italy, Sweden, and Finland too.

This looks like a major win. Not only is the EU backing down on the demands to cut nitrogen and methane by a third, but they're also not going to halve the use of pesticides, and they're not even going to harass EU citizens smugly telling them to eat less meat.

The next big move of climate activists was through agriculture, but this has, for the moment, hit the fan…

EU drops net zero demands after farmers' protests
The Telegraph

The European Union has caved in to angry protests from farmers and cut a target to slash agricultural emissions as part of the bloc's net zero drive.

A demand to reduce nitrogen, methane and other emissions linked to farming by almost a third has been removed from a wider Brussels plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 90 per cent by 2040.

The move to offer concessions to the farmers would be seen as a major step away from the bloc's original green plans.

People may have missed just how big the European farmer protests have been. For some reason the media didn't want to cover what happens when farmers get angry. Like the truck-driver protests in Canada last year, these sort of revolts are potentially dangerous to the political class. They can bring a nation to its knees in days. Journalists and media moguls scorn the workers, but they quietly fear their power. If the masses wake up and realize they don't have to put up with rules set by chattering classes and desk jocks, that could wreck the cushy lifestyles of the wordsmiths and academics.