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IPFS News Link • Canada

Canada: The Grand Deception, Part 2

•, By Timm Stein

We further learned that any and all government, British Monarchy, Governors General, as well as any Acts, laws and by-laws became null and void and have been null and void after Queen Victoria died on January 22, 1901. In this article, I would like to present some more information regarding the Confederation and the Articles of Confederation.

What exactly does the term "confederation" mean?

According to the Canadian Encyclopedia, the term confederation "refers to the process of federal union in which the British North American colonies […] joined together to form the Dominion of Canada." The Cambridge Dictionary defines confederation as "the joining of regions that had been British to create the independent country of Canada." But we know from the article Canada: The Grand Deception that a Dominion was defined as a British colony, which is in direct conflict with the definition of an "independent country of Canada."

A confederation is an agreement between people from independent countries to work together while remaining independent. In 1867, the colonists were betrayed by Sir John A. MacDonald. While they were provided with a sense of unification and a false sense of autonomy, they were definitely not given independence from the British Empire.