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IPFS News Link • Religion: Believers

May God Deliver Us From Our Obsession With Numbers and Popularity


An increase in numbers can also point to real success, which is why the Book of Acts sometimes records information like this: ". . . many who heard the message believed; so the number of men who believed grew to about five thousand" (Acts 4:4).

That was great news. More lives were being transformed.

That's why my heart burns daily to have the maximum impact on the maximum number of people, from touching believers to reaching the lost, and from America to the nations and Israel. Every day of my life, I want to reach more people more effectively.

That's also why our ministry seeks to operate at the highest level of professionalism, carefully stewarding the funds that are sent our way and giving careful attention to numbers. In fact, some of my team leaders are gifted by God to deal with and evaluate numbers. This is part of their calling.

Numbers Can Be Deceiving

At the same time, numbers alone can be terribly deceiving, since greater reach does not necessarily mean greater impact, especially in the light of eternity. Just ask yourself the question: Who is having a greater positive eternal impact, an unknown underground evangelist in China who is winning the lost and making disciples, or the world's most famous celebrity?

Numbers can also be a serious distraction, especially for ministers of the gospel. It can be so easy for us to focus on budget or church growth or social media influence that we take our eyes off intimacy with the Lord. Numbers can be a trap as much as a distraction and even a deception. We must not be obsessed with numbers!
