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IPFS News Link • California

Making the 85 MPH Speedometer Seem Fast

•, By eric

The thinking being that drivers would then not try to drive any faster than that.

What's coming next – via California – is something a bit more controlling.

And it's already here. Everywhere.

This latter is a fact unnoticed by news coverage of the proposed law put forward by a San Francisco Leftist (they are not "liberals" . . . Thomas Jefferson was a liberal) named Scott Wiener to electronically limit the top speed of all new cars to 80 MPH, which is 10 MPH more than the maximum legal speed limit in CA.  The Speeding and Fatality Emergency Reduction (or SAFER, of course) act would impose this requirement on all new cars made beginning with the 2027 model year.

Now, the punchline is it's not just California drivers whose 2027 model year cars – including their "ludicrous speed" Teslas – that will be throttled to Yugo Speed if this Leftist's proposal becomes law. It will be everyone who drives a car made during the past three years or so,  anywhere in the country.

Because Speed Limit Assistance Technology is already a fait accompli – as the French say.

This technology will be used to control rather than assist you, whether Wiener gets his way or not. Many vehicles made since circa 2019 or so came equipped with it as part of the suite of Advanced Driver Assistance Technologies that just kind of sprouted up, like electronic kudzu and seemingly (dubiously) organically.

This technology – which practically every 2024 model vehicle now comes standard with – has the capability to do exactly  what Leftists such as Wiener itch to do. That being to control not just how fast you are allowed to go but how you are allowed to go, period.

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