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IPFS News Link • Prepping

Is the LifeVac Worth Adding to Your Prepper Medical Kit?

•, by Daisy Luther

LifeVac kits are available for both home and travel.

I was curious whether or not it was worth buying for my own medical kit, so I did a little research. I thought you might be interested in what I discovered.

There are reports of its successful use.
First things first, I wanted to know whether or not it works. I'm not going to drop $79 on a device that's iffy. Obviously, with any medical device, being able to use it correctly is key, no matter how good it is. But, did people who knew how to use it find it actually useful?

The report that really caught my eye was this one. Some folks were having dinner at a restaurant when a complete stranger's baby began choking. The mother was doing everything right – she was performing the actions I have learned to do at First Aid classes (of which I have attended many, including some advanced courses.) As the child turned blue, back blows were administered, as well as the Heimlich Maneuver.

But these efforts were to no avail. The child was unconscious as dinner guests looked on in horror. But then a stranger leapt into action.

Nobody will ever convince me the guy with the LifeVac isn't a prepper.

The clip above was aired on Inside Edition, and it inspired another family to purchase the device. In a parallel situation, the father was able to save his own infant daughter from choking.