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A Primer For American Patriots And Preppers Facing An Uncertain Future

•, By Brandon Smith

Most of us have made something of ourselves from very little, or, we had parents that made something of themselves from very little and we watched as children while they climbed their way up the ladder through hard work and merit.

Our philosphy is based on experience and a willingness to look beyond the veil. Most of the western public is bombarded with endless messaging about how stable and safe and "prosperous" our society is. We are constantly slapped in the face with propaganda telling us that patriots are not only crazy, but also dangerous.  We are the bumbling bad guys in every film and TV show.  We're the "extremists" that refuse to accept that the system works, and if we would just stop trying to be independent from the system, we will find safety and happiness.

We are told a lot of things that aren't true, and this is really the first thing that sets the preparedness culture apart from everyone else – A healthy sense of skepticism when it comes to establishment claims and mainstream assumptions. We will NOT be sitting idle listening to the band play while the Titanic sinks. We understand, however, that there's a considerable number of people out there that are content to do so…

There are numerous and unique motivations for people who delve into the patriot life and I think there's a perception that it requires some kind of abnormal shift in routine or a complete upending of one's existence.  If you become a patriot or prepper you have to live in a compound and wear army garb everyday and be suspicious of everyone.  It's really a very simple addition to the daily grind, a hobby more than anything else.  No one is joining a cult; all we are doing is seeking self sufficiency wherever possible and taking a second look at the claims made by people in power.
