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IPFS News Link • Sweden

Sweden: Senior Officials Warn Public to Prepare for War, Gen Z Overwhelm Helpline

•, UK Telegraph

Carl-Oskar Bohlin, the civil defense minister, said that although Sweden has been at peace for almost 210 years and  taking comfort in this state is dangerous; he told people to join a voluntary defense organization.
Sweden is set to join NATO as soon as July, ending more than two centuries of neutrality and ushering in a shift in the national psyche towards greater militarization. Young people have overwhelmed phone help lines.

.Sweden's answer to Childline was inundated with calls from Gen Z after senior defence officials gave a speech urging their countrymen to prepare for war.

Bris, a children's rights organisation, provides support and advice to young people with mental health issues or facing teenage pregnancy.

But it reported a rise in calls after videos of senior defence figures warning of war circulated on TikTok.

Carl-Oskar Bohlin, the civil defence minister, told the Folk och Försvars conference on Saturday that "there could be war in Sweden".

"For a nation for whom peace has been a pleasant companion for almost 210 years, the idea that it is an immovable constant is conveniently close at hand," he said.

"But taking comfort in this conclusion has become more dangerous than it has been for a very long time."