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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Fears over a 'Tripledemic' are Surging - Don't be Afraid, Be Prepared!

• Zero Hedge

Just this weekend, The Hill, ran a story with the headline:  "Why fears over a 'tripledemic' are surging."

The story leads off noting that,

Cases of three major respiratory viruses — the flu, COVID-19 and RSV — are surging in the U.S., pushing the country toward a feared "tripledemic" during its first post-pandemic respiratory viral season. 

The "surging" fears over a 'tripledemic' come as former President Donald Trump surges in the polls against Joe Biden. Leading many to ask whether or not these fears are a rational reaction to healthcare developments or a signal of the next plandemic, which has nothing to do with your health and everything to do with attempting to rig yet another election for Biden.

The truth is that there is no reason to be afraid. We learned our lessons from the last pandemic and now we have the tools to prevent ourselves from being manipulated again.