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IPFS News Link • Surveillance

To Grow Biometric Datasets, Google and Telus Will Pay $50 for Short Videos of Children

• Activist Post

By Joel R. McConvey

The question of how to train face biometrics algorithms often comes with concerns about consent in the use of publicly available images. Like Worldcoin before them, Google and Canadian telco Telus are addressing the problem with cash incentives, via a new initiative that offers $50 to parents who are willing to film their kids so that their skin tone, eyelid shape and other biometric features can be used to build biometric datasets for age verification.

An investigation by 404 Media says a published description of the project specifies parents must agree to shoot 11 videos, each 40 seconds or less, of their children sporting face masks or hats, or unadorned to record biometric modalities such as skin tone and facial geometry. The process also collects personal information such as name, gender and birth date. Participating kids must be between 13 and 17 years old.

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Comment by tittiger
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We are doomed with Americans that are this stupid. Notice the complacency and apathy and cowardliness of Modern Christianity.