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IPFS News Link • Robots and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Is Allowing Them To Construct A Global Surveillance Prison...

• End of the American Dream - Michael Snyder

Every inch of our planet is being watched, and incredibly sophisticated "artificial intelligence solutions" make it possible for those that are watching our planet to find whatever they want in just minutes.  You can try to run, and you can try to hide, but if they really want to find you it won't be very difficult.  All around us, a global surveillance prison is being constructed.  Even if you completely stay off the Internet and you totally avoid all forms of modern technology, cameras and satellites will still be endlessly watching you.  And once your face has been identified, artificial intelligence can be used to locate you wherever you pop up on the entire planet.

Corey Jaskolski is the CEO of an artificial intelligence company known as Synthetaic, and the system that his company has developed is extremely impressive.

According to NPR, it "really can find anything you want anywhere in the world"…

BRUMFIEL: AI has been getting attention for its potential to bring huge changes to lots of different fields in the near future, but the AI revolution in surveillance is happening now. For decades, cameras have been watching over cities, businesses and even homes. But that footage has mainly been stored locally, and reviewing it took a pair of human eyes. Not anymore. AI systems can now hunt for a van in a city, scan license plates and even faces in real time. The system being developed by Synthetaic has many possible uses. An environmental group, for example, is trying to use it to track large livestock operations globally to monitor greenhouse gas emissions. Synthetaic's system really can find anything you want anywhere in the world.

JASKOLSKI: We've run searches, as an example, across the entire eastern seaboard of Russia for ships, and we can find every ship in a few minutes. It's pretty remarkable.
