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IPFS News Link • Prepping

2024 Will Be The Year Of The Prepper:

•, By Susan Duclos

People are prepping, stocking up on supplies in case of a catastrophe, more than ever and it appears that trend will continue into 2024. 

With the possibility of a global nuclear world war, civil unrest, the Biden regime's lawfare campaign against Donald Trump, and the targeting of "MAGA" Americans by Biden's FBI, food costs that continue to be much higher than under Trump, Americans living paycheck to paycheck, Republicans being "swatted" at a high rate recently, and more, there is more reason than ever to be prepared for disaster.

Globally there is a high risk of World War III, with nuclear nations like China and Russia becoming more hostile to the U.S. and much of the world tired of American leaders thinking they have the right to dictate to the rest of the world, which indicates that the U.S. would likely see more damage and loss of life in any WWIII scenario.

Our "woke" military has reached "crisis levels of low recruitment" in early 2023, and by the end of the year had still come up far short of recruitment goals

That last link above asks "Why don't young Americans want to join?", completely ignoring the "wokeness" factor, the gay recruitment videos, the transgender nonsense within the military, and the lowering of physical standards and battle readiness. Joe Biden has even given away so much ammunition and weapons that the U.S. military is unprepared for any war, much less a world war. 

What is meant by the "transgender nonsense" above is the fact that after Biden began occupying the White House, the Department of Defense (DOD) issued a release which stated that the U.S. military would provide "gender transition" care. 
