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Full Throttle Psyops: New Fake News To Replace Old Fake News… And Aliens!

•, Jeff Berwick

Are they coming back to save us, enslave us, or annihilate us? 

I have no idea. Which is pretty much the point… WHO KNOWS WHAT ARE LIES AND WHAT IS REAL? One thing is certain, "There are more things in heaven and Earth, Horatio, / Than are dreamt of in your philosophy [science]." That's right, Shakespeare knew, probably because he was part of the Old Order. 

Make sure you watch my first video interview of 2024 after I've spoken with the publisher of The Apocalypse Of Yajavalkya, about the epic battle of dark vs light that has been playing out since the beginning…as well as a new look into the potential genetics of evil. I'm halfway through the first book now and I'm blown away by how much sense it all makes. 

But more about that next time. 

In today's video, I have footage of some of the recent UFO sightings in Disney's chemtrail skies. That's right! The same chemtrails that are being used to start forest fires and poison your body before you can say Project Blue Beam probably have a much darker, more evil purpose: To prepare the sky for a massive false flag operation in which they will simulate a second coming of Christ or an extraterrestrial invasion using advanced technology to establish a new world order. 

Even the CIA's Tucker Carlos got the go-ahead to "leak" some information about inhuman things flying around and that Not A Space Agency and the government have physical evidence of these things and THEY DON'T WANT ANY OF IT TO GET OUT! This, from the same people who "lost" the technology to go to the moon again. More likely they could never find a moon landing producer as good as J-Cult member Stan Kubrick. Particularly after the complete set and props of his Space Odyssey movie were also "destroyed" and "lost".

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