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IPFS News Link • Political Theory

Tucker Carlson Launches Stunning Attack on Ben Shapiro: He 'Obviously' Doesn't...

•, Isaac Schorr

Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson declared that conservative commentator Ben Shapiro's focus on the war in Israel in recent days revealed that Shapiro doesn't "care" about the United States "at all" in an appearance on Breaking Points this week.

Carlson was asked by host Saagar Enjeti about Shapiro's previous criticism of Carlson — who has persistently attacked those who have expressed concern for Israel in the wake of the October 7 terrorist for supposedly being more worried about Israel than the United States.

"I've watched the entire kind of right-wing ecosystem get embroiled in fundamentally what is a third-world conflict," asserted Enjeti after name-dropping Shapiro. "Now we can say support, not support, we can have criticisms, etc. of that. But what explains this like literal allegiance on Ukraine, Israel? Why is it that so many of these people don't seem to have the same level of care for actual American citizens?"

After some commentary on the war between Ukraine and Russia, Carlson moved on to Israel.

"In the case of Israel and the Arab world, I've spent a fair amount of time in both and I like both. And I felt terrible for the people who were killed on October 7, I still do. So I had no weird motive, I was just thinking about it from an American perspective: Is this good for us or is it not?" insisted Carlson. "And I was just amazed by the intolerance and the willingness to immediately go to invective and character assassination."
