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IPFS News Link • Currencies

It Would Be The Ultimate Irony - A Gold Standard Returning Through The Backdoor Of Crypto Markets

• by Marcel Kasumovich

1. Be clear. Your words may not be welcome. But they also won't be misunderstood. Elon Musk isn't the only one who excels in this department. SEC Chair Gensler has that superpower, too. "If Tom or anybody else wanted to be in this field, I would say, 'Do it within the law.' Build the trust of investors in what you're doing and ensure that you're doing the proper disclosures — and also that you're not commingling these functions, trading against your customers."2. "Tom" is Tom Farley, the former President of the New York Stock Exchange, and Chair Gensler was responding to speculation that Tom was interested in rebooting FTX. Almost on the first anniversary of the beginning of the end of FTX, the FTT token more than doubled its value in a day. The market celebrated that serious institutional players were seeing value in the crypto ecosystem – even in assets and brands left for dead like FTT and FTX.