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IPFS News Link • Revolutions, Rebellions & Uprisings

Is the Next American Revolution Going to Take Place in Our Minds?


Imagine living in a world where a single event rewired the brains of an entire generation. For instance, the Great Depression did more than cripple the economy—it plunged the American psyche into a perpetual 'fight-or-flight' mode. This wasn't just a fleeting moment in history; it was a seismic shift that echoes in our collective consciousness, shaping how we perceive and react to the world around us. Let's dive into how this pivotal era set the stage for our current state and uncover transformative steps to navigate our inherited legacy of fear.


Wrapping up 2023 and reflecting upon the impact of fear and conditioning on our personal and collective consciousness, there's plenty of historical context on how we got here, tracing back to events like the 300-year-long European witch hunts and the Great Depression, leaving a lasting imprint on our societal DNA, intergenerational trauma, and why many Americans have such an overriding addiction to fear.