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IPFS News Link • Who-World Health Organization

Monday, December 18: Watch WHO Debate!

• Activist Post

The World Health Organization is trying to take over the world now In an unprecedented power grab, with two major initiatives most people don't know about. These steps will quietly give the WHO total control of the health policies of every nation and total control of every person:

1. WHO Pandemic Treaty: The newly drafted WHO Pandemic Agreement "WPA" (referred to until October of this year as the "Pandemic Preparedness Treaty" "PPT"). If adopted, will position the WHO as sole authority regarding anything related to health and welfare. The final vote will be in May 2024. GOP fires warning shot at Biden over 'deeply flawed' WHO treaty on pandemic response.

2. International Health Regulations (IHR) Amendments: President Trump withdrew the US from the WHO. However, the Biden administration not only re-instated the US, but also proposed 12 regulations in December 2021 that will allow the WHO to establish very draconian policies that supersede any nation's decisions. The WHO would become an unelected world government with the freedom to impose total slavery for as long as it wants. There will be no science and no democracy! Acceptance of these changes is assumed unless nations opt out by December 1, 2023. Yet, there has been little discussion of this threat to national sovereignty! While the treaty must be approved by Congress, the IHR Amendments do not.

While a growing number of nations are now opposing the treaty before the vote in May 2024, few people are aware of the IHR amendments which are being pushed through secretly. The WHO's position is that the secret amendments are automatically approved unless nations opted out by December 1. However, the Netherlands and 12 members of the European Parliament have notified the WHO that the amendments are not accepted without approval by their parliaments – which has not happened.

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