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IPFS News Link • Travel

On the road: Stirring images show American nomads living in RVs as they roam across the US...


Stirring images of American nomads who roam across the country in RVs while pursuing their dream of life on the road have been published in a new book.

Photographer Timothy Eastman embarked on a two-year, cross-country odyssey to learn about 'workampers' - people living in mobile homes across the States in seasonal or remote jobs.

Eastman began the photo series in 2017 and completed it in 2019. The Brooklyn native's stunning pictures are the subject of his new book: 'All the Past We Leave Behind: America's New Nomads.'

The photographer's project seeks to show how the concept of 'home' can be defined and redefined through the framework of circumstances, choices and quality of life. 

On the road he met people who criticized media bias and complained about the perception of workamping as a life forced upon them due to unfortunate circumstances.

'The people featured here come from a wide variety of backgrounds and beliefs,' Eastman wrote in his foreword. 'What they have in common is that they let me into their homes and were some of the kindest and most welcoming people I've ever met. It was a privilege to be allowed a glimpse into their lives.'