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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

Newly Leaked Data Shows Just How Dangerous the Covid Vaccines Are

• - A Midwestern Doctor

The Forgotten Side of Medicine

Throughout my lifetime, I have heard people claim that the future will bring better technology and that science will make the world a better place and solve all our problems. Yet, again and again, these promises fail to materialize, and we are perpetually stuck waiting for science's promised future.

In many cases however, the technology was in fact developed. The problem however was that the technology's development threatened someone's ability to make money (or gain power) so the technology was buried and never saw the light of day. For example, throughout COVID-19 we heard numerous promises that a solution to the pandemic was around the corner (e.g., the miraculous vaccines) yet each time an un-patentable solution (e.g., ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine) was found, the pandemic-industrial-complex ruthless suppressed it to ensure their grift could continue.

Within the field of data, a similar issue exists. The mantra from Silicon Valley which has gradually entered the rest of the culture is that "more data" is the solution to all of our problems. However, once that data gets in the way of someone's ability to make money, it often never sees the light of day.