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BREAKING: Musk "Will Consider" Bringing Alex Jones Back on X,-

• by Ben Warren

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Comment by PureTrust
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Alex is great. with his research, and the fact that he is shouting it. So is Tucker. But why are they so aligned to the system that they use attorney representation in court? The attorneys have a boss who is NOT their client. It's the judge. And if one has hired an attorney to speak for him, he can't speak any longer. But the attorney is controlled by the judge. That's why Trump was not allowed to request/require a jury. | We need a group to stand behind patriots in court - to be their counsel, to show them to NOT use an attorney, to sue judges for mistakes they make, and to in general bring the law before the court. Alex and Tuck have the voice for what is going on. We need a group to stand up with the courts. | Sue corrupt judges and get them out of office.