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IPFS News Link • Weapons/Weaponry

So Much for the Embargo on Iran's Missiles


Here's the contradiction of current U.S. Iran policy in a nutshell: While the Pentagon deploys a Thaad missile-defense system to the Middle East to protect U.S. bases from the volley of missiles fired by Iranian proxies, the Biden Administration has let the international embargo on Iran's missile program lapse.

Oct. 18 was Transition Day under the Iran nuclear deal, and with it passed the U.N. missile and drone sanctions. Iran's terrorist proxies and foreign clients such as Vladimir Putin send their regards.

A core problem with the 2015 nuclear talks negotiated by the Obama Administration was that key restrictions were allowed to sunset, at which point Iranian activities would be stamped legal. The arms embargo was allowed to expire in October 2020; missile and drone limits followed last week. The idea at the time was that the nuclear deal would cause Iran to moderate its malign behavior to fit the Western timetable, but that has never happened.