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IPFS News Link • World Economic Forum

While You Were Watching Israel…

• By Kit Knightly

We need a new approach to digital identity", so say the authors of an "Agenda Article" for the World Economic Forum, published on the 28th of September.

Digital ID has been in the news a lot lately, obscured for the past week in the mist of the Israel-Hamas situation.

Last month the United Nation Developments Programme published its legal guidelines for digital IDs as well as "mobilizing" global leadership with a $400mn fund to "empower" digital identity programmes in over 100 countries.

Various nations are already making steps in that direction. Multiple US states are either already issuing digital IDs or planning to in the near future, as are Kenya, SomaliaBhutan and Singapore. Austria's system is going online in December.

Just last week, Forbes Australia published it's guide to what "Australians need to know" about digital IDs, and 9News reported that they could be in place as soon as next year.

Just two days ago, the Journal of Australian Law Society predicted the same thing.

Meanwhile, also in Australia, the world's 21st largest bank is changing its terms and conditions to allow it to "de-bank" customers.

The National Australian Bank's "revised" terms and conditions go into force on November 1st and include, in clause 11: "NAB may close your account at any time at its discretion".